Outside one of the temporary huts.
Margot is sister to Jackie Mansfield and her Grandfather, Freddy Mansfield taught French from 1914 until 1951.
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
Dk teachers but there must be a joke here about choppers!
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the soundtrack - see Sounds and Videos Section)
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
Tom Dowers, Doc Burrow, Tom Dowers, Mr Driver.
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the soundtrack - see Sounds and Videos Section).
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
Mr Davy has his eye on someones legs, Doc Burrow, Tom Dowers, David Driver.
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the soundtrack - see Sounds and Videos Section).
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
dk, Doc Burrows.
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the soundtrack - see Sounds and Videos Section).
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
Mr David Driver?, dk, dk.
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the soundtrack - see Sounds and Videos Section).
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
Doc Burrows doing what looks like a Nazi salute!, David Driver, Mr Pont, dk, dk, dk, dk.
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the soundtrack - see Sounds and…
1967 12 The Staff School Sketch
LEFT to RIGHT: Iain Little, Mr Davy, David Webb?, Miss Hall, Doc Burrow, dk, Tom Dowers, Mr Driver and Ken Plampin.
12 - 18 December 1967. (goes with the…
1967 68 Taken at The Grange School
Stuart Rafferty, Linda Chaplin, Gayle Whitehead, Christine Hales, Lynda Griffiths, Paula Dicker, Brian Carter, Emlyn Williams, Pat Burnett and Margot Mansfield.
1967-68 ? Hike at Darley Dale
Sandra Robotham on the left. David Whittleton, Pete Briens and falling off the trig point is Chris Gascoyne? Jackie Mansfield is standing at the back and right…
1967-68 ? Hike at Darley Dale
David Whittleton, Pete Briens and Chris Gascoyne on the trig point. Sandra Robotham waiting to catch one.
1967-68? Table Tennis
dk, Steve Burton, Bob Dillea, Dave Whittleton and Geoff Flint.
In the Sixth Form Common Room.
1967-68?Table Tennis
Bob Dillea, Kevin Tribbensee, Andrew Craven and David Whittleton
1968 02? Staff v Pupils football match.
Ron Bassett about to kick the ball whilst behind him is Trevor Adkin.
1968 02? Staff v Pupils football match.
About to kick the ball: Mr T Adkin with Paul Winter on the receiving end!. Middle back: Tom Dowers, Martin Buczkiewicz, Iain Adamson, Roger Davy. Far right:…
1968 02? Staff Vs Pupils Football Match
Staff in dark shirts. Mr Bassett, Iain Adamson, 'Ginge' Wharmby (heading ball), Trevor Adkin with Pont behind in centre of picture, dk, dk, dk Mike Stimpson.
1968 03 Paul Adamson and Wendy Ward
The wedding of Paul Adamson and Wendy Ward at Ilkeston Registry Office in March 1968. Paul was Head Boy 1965-1966. Both sadly died in 1995.
1968 03 Tobias and the Angel
Chris Ratcliffe, Paul Winter? and Judith Longden.
A Comedy by J Bridie was performed performed from Monday 25 to 30 March 1968.