Front Cover of the 1935 Gossamer - No 2 After only one year the design is changed to a drawing of the main entrance
Front Cover of the 1935 Gossamer - No 2
After only one year the design is changed to a drawing of the main entrance
Christmas 1935
Christmas 1935
The Editorial Page 34 Editorial Page 35 Photo montage of school life No page 36 overleaf! May have been blank.
The Editorial
Page 34 Editorial
Page 35 Photo montage of school life
No page 36 overleaf! May have been blank.
Obiter Scripta Page 37
Obiter Scripta
Page 37
Sawley Church Pages 38 and 39
Sawley Church
Pages 38 and 39
Sawley Church Architectural features
Sawley Church
Architectural features
Poems and a Trip to Paris Pages 42 and 43
Poems and a Trip to Paris
Pages 42 and 43
Article about Hearts Pages 44 and 45
Article about Hearts
Pages 44 and 45
A concert at Derby Drill Hall Pages 46 and 47
A concert at Derby Drill Hall
Pages 46 and 47
A Carol
A Carol
University Letters - Oxford and Cambridge pages 60 and 61 University Letters Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford from Joan A Knott Newham Collage, College Cambridge from Joan Comery
University Letters - Oxford and Cambridge
pages 60 and 61
University Letters
Lady Margaret Hall , Oxford from Joan A Knott
Newham Collage, College Cambridge from Joan Comery
Universities of Nottingham and London. University College Nottingham from Joan Comery Westminster College, London from C R Balmer School Plays: 20th March 1935 Andocles and the Lion and The Princess...
Universities of Nottingham and London.
University College Nottingham from Joan Comery
Westminster College, London from C R Balmer
School Plays: 20th March 1935 Andocles and the Lion and The Princess…
The Lecture Society Pages 54 and 55 SCHOOL PLAYS The Princess and the Woodcutter. Androcles and the Lion
The Lecture Society
Pages 54 and 55
The Princess and the Woodcutter.
Androcles and the Lion
The Times 1815 and House Notes Pages 56 and 57 Hockey, Tennis and Cricket
The Times 1815 and House Notes
Pages 56 and 57
Hockey, Tennis and Cricket
Football and Cross-country Running Pages 58 and 59
Football and Cross-country Running
Pages 58 and 59
Athletics and Exam Results Pages 60 and 61 - Text by OCR so may be inaccurate EXAMINATION RESULTS. HIGHER, SCHOOL CERTIFICATES (NORTHERN JOINT BOARD). Owen, C. E., Applied Mathematics...
Athletics and Exam Results
Pages 60 and 61 - Text by OCR so may be inaccurate
Owen, C. E., Applied Mathematics…
Chamber Music Concert and OSA Hockey Pages 62 and 63 mentions listening to music via the BBC Radio Exam Results Continued Payton B. B. Pritchett C. W Distinctions in Elementary Mathematics,...
Chamber Music Concert and OSA Hockey
Pages 62 and 63 mentions listening to music via the BBC Radio
Exam Results Continued
Payton B. B.
Pritchett C. W Distinctions in Elementary Mathematics,…
Old Scholars - Births and Appointments Page 64
Old Scholars - Births and Appointments
Page 64