October 1943 Miss Drake retires after 32 years service. Mr Rogers reported missing, Sudden death of Mt Berresford the groundsman of 24 years service. Mrs…
Mr J A Rogers
Miss Drake. Exam Results, Athletics
Miss Drake retired from the teaching staff of the School at the end of October, 1943, having completed 32 years of service. She was at all times a most…
House Competitions, Football and Cricket
Hockey and Tennis
Orchestra Notes and Breinton 1943
Holidays and Poems
Poems and Stories
Marriages and Offspring. News from Abroad
Captain J Mansfield, Maj D R Hughes
News from Abroad
Pte. F A Heard, (1931-35)
News from Abroad
Charles Severn (1931 32) R S M , Arthur Edwards (1928 32) L/Serg. , Frank Kitchen (1935-40) Signelman, Alan Brown (1931 33) S/Serg.
News from Abroad
D A Sutton (1932-34) F/Sergt, Robert G Blackie (1936-39) Lieut M G Smith, Raymond Jowett (1934-42) Sargent Navigator
News from Abroad
L A C Ronand Fortiscue RAF (1926 -31)
News from Abroad
Lieut M S Lindahl (1926 36) Inteligence Corps
News from Abroad
Old Scholar's Service List
News from Abroad: Harold Horner R A O C Enid Barke 1931-36, Dorothy Burns 1931-35, Sheila, Keble 1934-38, Joan Lloyd 1935-40, Margaret Loakes 1936-40, Frances…
News from Abroad
Lieut John P Whittaker (1924-32), Serg Observer Terrance C Bramley (1934-39), Signaller Kenneth Tilling (1933-38) RNVR, Flight Sergt Jack Weldon (1934-37),…