Committee: Daphne Robbins, Mary Richardson, Pamela Wilkinson, Dunn, Godfrey, K Smith, Summers
Obiter Scripta
Various Photos of Sports activitie and Teams. Literary and Debating Society is recently formed. The school is closed on Monday 11th February 1946 due to…
Staff News
Miss Taylor retires and Miss Turner succeeded to the post of Senior Mistress. Mr Anderson and Miss Ironmonger retires. Mr Hewitt rejoins after serving 5 years…
Exam Results and Athletic Sports
Miss Bancroft been ill and Mr H Spence deputising.
EXAMINATION RESULTS University of London General School Examination, Mid- Suminer, …
House Competition and Football
Cricket and Hockey
Tennis, Cross-country and Lit and Deb Society
Literary and Debating Society
National Savings and Early Days
A transcript of 'Early Days' is provided at the end of this magazine.
The School History Continued.
Goodbye from the Jockery and London 1946
R Anderson retires.
X-ray machine - you could place your hand in it and see your bones.
Old Scholars notes / Football and Cricket Clubs
A Present for Agatha / Grey Day Blues
Old Scholars' News / Visitors from Europe
The Old Scholars' Service List is very brief this year as most of the more recent leavers have yet to be called up. The following names have been received :- …
Visit to Stratford / Stop Press
The Early Days - History of the School by L Taylor
When I left last December I promised Mr. Roberts that I would write a short account of the early days of the school, and, as I wanted to be…
1946 Sports Montage
A montage of photos depicting Sports activities and Teams.