No. 16 The Gossamer April 1951 - Editorial Staff Notes and MusicSTAFF NOTES In July last Miss Turner retired from teaching after thirty-seven years at the School, a period which covers the greater part of the… Literary notes, Film Society and Mock Election Miss Turner, Exam ResultsLONDON UNIVERSITY GENERAL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS, 1950MATRICULATION :-D. B. Addison, Rosemary Bowyer, D. Bradley, P. R. Bryan,… House Notes Athletics and Sports Football 1949-50 Cross-Country, Crick and Hockey Photo Montage of 1950Sports Day Scrap Book Netball and Poems Poems Poems Poems Alpine Adventure and Old Scholars Notes Old Boys Cricket Old Boys Football Long Eaton Youth Club No. 15 Gossamer Dec 1949No. 17 Gossamer April 1952
In July last Miss Turner retired from teaching after thirty-seven
years at the School, a period which covers the greater part of the