Editorial Orbiter Scripta Mr Mansfield and Exam ResultsEXAMINATION RESULTS, 1951Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board General Certificate Examination (Advanced Level, 1951) W.… Literary and Debating also and Natural History Society Retrospect by Mr MansfieldPastel of Mr Mansfield by J M Lewis 1939 - 1935 Tennis, Rounders and Hockey Netball Cricket and Football Cross-Country and House Notes Athletic Sports and Let's make a Opera Photo Montage and School SubjectsAbove left : Let's make an opera. Right : MARGARET MELLOR, winner of senior girl'shigh jump. Below left : Members of staff at swimming gala. Right : First… Poems and A Trip to Kinder Cross Country - short essayLino Print of walk to Kinder Scout Account of Trip to France Old Scholars' Notes Old Boys Football Women's Hockey and The Passe- By The Passer ByBy Ann Varney No. 16 Gossamer April 1951No. 18 Gossamer July 1953
Northern Universities Joint Matriculation Board General
Certificate Examination (Advanced Level, 1951)